Dear Shareholders,
We invite you to attend the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting of Epigenomics AG on Monday, May 6, 2013 at 11:00 a.m., in the premises of Deutsche Bank AG , Friedrichsaal, Unter den Linden 13–15 (entrance Charlottenstraße), 10117 Berlin.
Invitation to the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting 2013 of Epigenomics AG | |
Report of the Executive Board on agenda items 5 and 6 | |
Report of the Executive Board on agenda item 7 | |
Annual Report 2012 (incl. Consolidated Financial Statements, Group Management Report, Supervisory Board Report, Key features of the internal control and risk management system and Remuneration Report) | |
Financial Statements 2012 (German HGB) incl. Key features of the internal control and risk management system (German version) | |
Explanatory Report by the Management Board on Disclosures Pursuant to Section 289 (4), Section 315 (4) HGB (German version) | |
Explanatory Report by the Management Board on Key Features of the Internal Control and Risk Management System Related to the Group Accounting Procedures of the Company Pursuant to Section 289 (5), Section 315 (2) HGB (German version) |
Corporate Governance/Declaration of Governance
2012 | |
Declaration of Compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code pursuant to Section 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) | |
Declaration of Governance and reporting on Corporate Governance pursuant to Section 289a German Commercial Code (HGB) |
Further information
Explanation of Shareholders’ rights | |
Articles of Association | |
Form for the transfer of voting rights (German version) |
Epigenomics AG held its 9th Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting in Berlin with about 60 shareholders, its representatives and guests on May 6, 2013. The presence before the voting was at 3.069.801 individual shares, equivalent to 25.65% of the authorized capital.
All TOPs were agreed to. More detailed information are available on our German website.